Hello Kast Family It’s been a while again since we have posted. Things have been busy and hectic for us all, as I am sure it is for you as well. We all get wrapped up in our daily routine and time goes by so fast. Many things have been happening the last few weeks. Jenn and Fuat flew to Istanbul for a surprise visit with Fuat’s family. It is a time of celebration for them, a holiday. I would tell you which one, but I don’t know it and can only spell it phonetically…..Byrum. They have done a lot of visiting with different family members and I am anxious…
Four Years Ago Today
Hello Kast Family, Today has been a day of memories. Four years ago a dream had come true. Kerrie had a new birthday. The day of her bone marrow transplant and a day to begin her life again. What a day it was. Jenn in the bone marrow center, hooked up to a machine that was filtering her white blood cells. Kerrie in her room waiting for her healing transplant. What excitment, what anxiety for all of us. The rush through the hallways with Jenn to get her to Ker’s bedside to share her moment. Ker so sick she was hardly aware. Little did we know why she was so…
5:30pm…. October 7th, 2010
5:30pm…. October 7th, 2010. This is when we were given my life back 🙂  My follow up visit, with the doctor, was on Thursday. Met with him and at 5:30pm he told us that the CT scan shows everything is negative! Cancer free! He feels I do not need any further treatment, but will see him every two months for an exam and blood tests. After a while, it will be less frequent. As with anything, there are no guarantees…. but he says the five year survival rate, for someone in stage 1 ( as I was) is 90%. We’ll take it!!! It was such a relief to hear that…
The Positive Side of Chemo
Tomorrow’s the day we meet with the doctor to hear the results of the CT Scan. God willing, everything will go well… and we expect it to. If it doesn’t.. well, whenever something bad happens to someone people always say “look on the bright side”. Over the past few months I HAVE found some things that are the postive side of chemo ( if you can really say there is such a thing). Here’s my list: 1. Since you don’t have hair, you can sleep in later… don’t have to worry about blow drying your hair and making it all pretty! 2. Since you don’t have hair…. you save a…
Alright, alright.. enough nagging from my mother ( and my aunt 🙂 )… I am finally putting a post on here. It’s been a very hectic few months and there has been little time for writing. I’ve meant to get on here, meant to give everyone updates…. but every time I would plan on putting on a post something would happen.. I would be ill, be working late, be out with that wonderful cowboy husband of mine or SOMETHING that would keep me from getting on the computer and putting on a post. But… the nagging from my mother ( and my aunt) just got to be too much, so here I sit at…
Yup, coming soon to a web site near you !!! The one and only Jenn Andree Yildiz…Ta……Daa…… drum roll….. However, right now she is fighting the chemo yuks……have talked to her a few times and she says she is doing ok,  yeah, right……. doesn’t sound so ok to me……..but she’s trying. She stayed home today, but planning work tomorrow……..so don’t give up folks, she really will post again………just not right now…… I will let her fill you in on details later, if she remembers them that is………well, maybe not everything…..she’s told me a couple of things she probably won’t share, but don’t ask, cause I’m not telling either. Love the…
Well, we’ve gotten a little behind with posts on this site the last few weeks. Jenn has been busy trying to balance work, home and the chemo blahs, and has a little trouble putting her mind and fingers to it, but I know she plans to write soon. Jenn has sounded pretty good the last couple of weeks. Enough energy to work and do a couple of extra things.Talked to her today a couple of times. This was an important day for her. Number 6 chemo AND THE LAST!!!! She saw the doctor and got an overview of the weeks to come, check ups, testing, etc. All sounded positive. When…
An absolutely AMAZING woman
Alicia Jeffreys you are an incredibly amazing woman! Alicia is the daughter of a friend of Mom’s… and she’s fighting on heck of a battle against cancer. Her journey makes mine look like a day at an amusment park. Mom recenlty shared Alicia’s web page with me, and the more I read the more amazed I am. Her determination and strength reminds me so much of Kerrie…. I wish they could have known each other. I know Alicia, and her mom, visit the KAST page often and I am honored that they would take the time out of THIER busy lives to see how I am doing. I wanted to share…
August 1….
I’m thinking about you today my Ker-Bear. Too many August 1 memories… I think about the ride to Henry Ford and getting you ready to move you into your room on P2. I still think about standing out front with you, wanting to spend a few minutes outside… knowing that once you went inside it would be months before you felt fresh air again.. wondering what you must be thinking. We were taking you to your “new home” for the next few months. Walking through those doors.. walking onto P2.. going into your room and then meeting Cindy…and starting the first dose of chemo. Wondering what must be going through your…
A message from Kerrie….
I’ve tried to get the links on here, but can’t seem to get them to work. If you go to youtube.com and type in KERRIE ANDREE in the search field, you will come up with two videos. One is in rememberance of her.. the other is a message she wanted to send to everyone. The message is still fitting now. I love you my Ker-Bear.. I love you. I wish I could write more now, but I will just say I love you. Jenn