
5:30pm…. October 7th, 2010

5:30pm…. October 7th, 2010. This is when we were given my life back 🙂

 My follow up visit, with the doctor, was on Thursday. Met with him and at 5:30pm he told us that the CT scan shows everything is negative!  Cancer free!

He feels I do not need any further treatment, but will see him every two months for an exam and blood tests. After a while, it will be less frequent. As with anything, there are no guarantees…. but he says the five year survival rate, for someone in stage 1 ( as I was) is 90%.  We’ll take it!!!

It was such a relief to hear that everything had gone well and he felt no further treatment was necessary. My wonderful Fuat and I walked out of the office and I started to cry… and he started making calls and telling peolpe he was the happiest person in the world.

We celebrated Thursday and Friday and now we are ready to begin our life. We never got a chance to do the things we needed to do, wanted to do, when Fuat first arrived.. so now we can begin our life together. Our normal life together.

It’s a great feeling!

 To my darling Husband, I want to say thank you for everything you have done over the last several months. I know none of this was easy for you. To my mom, dad and brother.. I love you and I am so happy we are done with all this. To everyone else, thank you for the support you have given us. The KAST family has always been there for our family and we appreciate you so much.

We still have a lot of pictures we want to share with everyone, and will try to post in the next few days ( yes.. I keep saying that, but we really will)…

 But now,  I do believe it’s time we turned this page back over to my beautiful sister, our wonderful Kerrie… or maybe we can continue to share it for a while 🙂

Jenn and Fuat


  • Cousin Mandy

    I am so happy to hear the great news! I miss you guys so much. We need to get together because now you guys are so close to us. Love you and Now is the time to be the Newlyweds you need to be and make everyday count!

  • Jeffrey Taylor

    Very excited to hear the good news. This is absolutely fantastic !!!!! I am so happy for you. Now you gotta come and visit me in good old Iowa ! LOL

  • Aunt Roise

    Thank God for the best news. The power of prayer in action. I will let all my prayer warriors know the wonderful news. Enjoy each beautiful day.

