Yup, coming soon to a web site near you !!! The one and only Jenn Andree Yildiz…Ta……Daa…… drum roll…..
However, right now she is fighting the chemo yuks……have talked to her a few times and she says she is doing ok,  yeah, right……. doesn’t sound so ok to me……..but she’s trying. She stayed home today, but planning work tomorrow…… don’t give up folks, she really will post again………just not right now……
I will let her fill you in on details later, if she remembers them that is………well, maybe not everything…..she’s told me a couple of things she probably won’t share, but don’t ask, cause I’m not telling either.
Love the pictures Jeannine put on the gallery……what a great time they had at Uncle Tims. So happy they could go.
Take care all and don’t give up, the one and only will be back soon. In the meantime you’ve got me………oh well, what can I say. Sorry 🙁
love you all
keep posting
I’ve been out a bit, please give Jenn all my love and support!