

Well, we’ve gotten a little behind with posts on this site the last few weeks. Jenn has been busy trying to balance work, home and the chemo blahs, and has a little trouble putting her mind and fingers to it, but I know she plans to write soon.

Jenn has sounded pretty good the last couple of weeks. Enough energy to work and do a couple of extra things.Talked to her today a couple of times. This was an important day for her. Number 6 chemo AND THE LAST!!!! She saw the doctor and got an overview of the weeks to come, check ups, testing, etc. All sounded positive.

When all that chemo stuff she gets was finally in and over, she and Fuat headed for home. And as they pulled up to the house things started to happen. First there were the signs on the door and out in front and then there was the surprise of the balloons and signs when she got in the door. The best surprise was her friends waiting for her to celebrate the day! (I only wish I could have been there too). Dinner was on the table and a special cake was ready for dessert.

Jenn tells me there are lots of pictures to show you and lots to tell………so I won’t go on much longer, I’ll leave that for her.. It’s time she took this over again and hopefully will do so soon.

Take care Kast Family, Keep in touch, we love hearing from you.

Lots of Love


 OK Jenn, you’re up next!