
August 1….

I’m thinking about you today my Ker-Bear. Too many August 1 memories…

I think about the ride to Henry Ford and getting you ready to move you into your room on P2. I still think about standing out front with you, wanting to spend a few minutes outside… knowing that once you went inside it would be months before you felt fresh air again.. wondering what you must be thinking. We were taking you to your “new home” for the next few months.  Walking through those doors.. walking onto P2.. going into your room and then meeting Cindy…and starting the first dose of chemo. Wondering what must be going through your mind as it started to drip through the IV.    August 1, 2006

Even though I try not to think about it, try not to see the images in my head.. try not to remember… I think of another August 1st. Again moving you to a “new home”.  Seeing your face for the last time. Not being able to watch as you were put to rest. Our cousin, Michael, refusing to leave the grounds until it was completely finsished. Standing there, next to you, even as Mom and I sat in the car and watched the final steps. Leaving the cemetary and feeling my life would never be the same again.     August 1, 2007

It’s August 1 again Ker- Bear… can’t help thinking about you.  I love you..and  miss you…
