Hello Kast Family,
Just want to give you a brief update on Teena.
She was transferred during the night to the University Hospital in Richmond. After she got there they continued testing to look for more aneurysms. They took her to surgery early in the morning and put a drain in to the ventrical in the brain to relieve the pressure and swelling. Later on they then went in and evacuated the big clot in the front. She is in ICU and still on a ventilator. She is responsive and can follow commands and has regained movement in her arms and legs. It still can’t be determined if she is fully aware although she has responded to questions about where she is, etc. by shaking her head. They still need to do further surgery, I’m not sure exactly what, but are letting her rest for now.
Becky, her daughter and her son-in-law got in just before she went in to the OR. The team waited until they arrived and let Becky get in to see her for a few moments. They and Jenn and Fuat have pretty much stayed right there with her. Jenn says they will head home in a while, she has to work in the morning.
Right now no one can say exactly what this outcome will be, but I am feeling better already about her progress. Just wish I could be closer to go and say hi and give her a hug. Will write again when I have more information.
Take care all and keep them prayers a comin……….
Love you