Good morning Kast Family,
Just enjoying this sunny Memorial Day morning………..the forcasters say it will change by this afternoon, but right now couldn’t be better.
Life is getting back to normal for us right now……..by normal, I mean that I keep calling Jenn and she keeps not answering. That’s good, it means she’s doing something else, hopefully something she enjoys. Or maybe it means she’s tired of my multiple in one day calls……..uhmmmm, will have to think about that.
She’s really beginning to sound like herself on the phone. I can judge how she’s doing by how she answers. I will be going down to be with her next week. I will be there when she meets with the doctor again and than stay over the weekend to help her over the first few days after chemo. Am hoping that it will get better each time. She gets lots of medications to prevent nausea, etc., but it was still a real downer the first time around. Took her a few days to get any energy back.
Not much else to report at this point unless Jenn had something to add. Just know she enjoys all you comments and posts, as I do too. Take care all, and enjoy the start of the summer season.
Love Ya
Sr. Louise Marie Andree
Dear Jenn and Fuat,
Hope you had a nice Memorial Day! Here at Notre Dame we had clouds, rain and more rain. Even had a little thunder this afternoon. Sorry I have not posted, but I do check daily the K.A.S.T.blog. You are in my daily prayers. Jenn, I hope that the next chemo treatment will not be too hard on you. Take care and God’s peace and love be with you.
Love & prayers,
Aunt Louise