

Good morning Kast Family,

It’s early here in Richmond and still cool. I have the window open feeling the nice breeze. It won’t last however, the warm (hot) weather is here with a vengeance.

Jenn had a good day yesterday. She was up several times and we did the halls and waiting rooms and looked out windows and all the usual stuff. This hospital has a beautiful campus. Jenn can look out her windows and see the trees, birds and squirrels and it is so calming to see the trees moving slowly in the wind. If you look down there is a little garden area with benches and flowers. The azaleas here have been in full bloom and other flowering shrubs and plants are opening. There are several areas like that throughout the building, even with fountains.

We hope she is going home today. She’s sore and itching (a reaction to her pain med they think). The IV is off and she can manage getting in and out of bed by herself. Still a little unsteady but we stay close. Her dad is on his way back to Vegas where he lives now, but is planning a future visit soon. I don’t know when I’ll be heading home yet, depends on what the next few days bring and what is on the schedule for her.

Will get back later and let you know if they discharged her. I think she’ll be more comfortable here and will feel less like a patient and more like herself.

Take Care All

Love You
