Hello Kast Family,
Fall is fast approaching, last night there were frost warnings, although we didn’t see any here, it’s coming. My flowers in the front have turned in to a jungle. And there are sunflowers everywhere; little, big, tall, short. It’s amazing the variety that has come from those seeds.
I realized something the other day when I was reading some of the posts. I haven’t seen any butterflies this year. Once, early in the season a big colorful one flew by and that’s been it. I envy those of you who have had visits from our little flying friends. I miss them, so many last year and none this season. Come on, Ker! Can’t you send just one?
I don’t know what the rest of you are experiencing right now with the economic situation we are in. Supposedly things are getting better and I hope for all of us that will continue. But this week has been a difficult one here. There is still word of many lay offs coming in every sector including health care. Everyone is getting ready for the swine flu (actually it’s been here all along, we just haven’t heard as much about it). I’m waiting for the flu shot to become available and will get the swine flu one as well……..We (at work) are all using good handwashing and aseptic technique and trying to stay as healthy as we can. Just as a reminder to you……….wash, wash, wash your hands!
Other sad and difficult things continue to happen. I have a friend whose young adult daughter has a very rare form of cancer. She continues to have difficulty and just went through a very serious surgery. She is doing well, but it is very stressful for her and her family and I can’t help but relate and I try and send as much energy and love to them that I can. Just a few days ago I received some worrisome news about the daughter of another friend. My friend was the youth minister at our church when the kids were younger. I remember her wedding and the birth of her daughters. She was there for Kerrie that whole year, visiting, calling and just being around.Now, her oldest, who lives in another state, is facing a difficult time….she is being checked for a form of blood cancer. Once again the emotions and memories are taking hold.
I think about Kerrie, and Diane, another friend’s daughter who went to school with Ker. They are both gone from us now. And Megan who is wondering and Alicia who is fighting her battle. Why them, why anyone?
I don’t want this message to sound like doom and gloom, but want to share with you, that while Kerrie’s battle is behind and I know that she is well and happy, others continue to go through this fight. We can never forget her and all those others who are still fighting the battle and hope and pray that they do well and continue to support the causes that fight these diseases.
I’m sitting here looking out at my deck and I can see the flowers and plants, still so colorful. The sun is out and the air is warming up. Another beautiful day. I hope your day is beautiful, too.
I think of all of you often……….keep sending your love and thoughts…… me and to others. It really helps.
Love You ALL!