Wednesday, July 25th 11:30PM
Things have been kind of up and down today.. especially Kerrie’s temperature. It keeps dropping below 100 and then going back up again.
Blood cultures show she has an infection, which we already knew, but now they were able to pinpoint it. She’s septic ( which Mom says means she has an infection throughout her body)… and they believe the point of infection may have been her PICC line. The PICC was removed, and now her arm is more swollen than ever.. she still needs to get all her meds and transfusions, so they had to put in two periphial IV’s in her right hand. Her veigns are really bad, so this isn’t a great solution and they have to be pretty careful with the IV’s. Hopefully, they’ll be able to install another PICC line in her arm in the new few days. Those little IVs in her hand aren’t meant for everything she is supposed to have.
She had platallets again tonigth ( twice in one day) and is getting a blood transfusion now. Then they want to do more blood work to see if her counts have gone up or if she needs more transfusions of blood and plateletts.
The infection complicates things even more than they were… and things are probably going to get more difficult. Every person that walks in this room, including us, is putting Kerrie at risk. So, for the time being, we are not allowing any visitors. The staff has even asked to put a NO VISITOR sign on her door. Too much traffic, too many people coming in and out, too much stimulation for her. She needs her rest and she should be exposed to as little as possible. We are even going to be limited among the immediate family.. as we have to stick to the two person rule even with us. No more than two people in the room.. so it looks like Ron and I will be taking turns in the waiting room when both Mom and Dad are here.
We’ll keep everyone updated as much as possible, and we’ll let you know when it’s ok to start visiting again. Until then.. please keep praying. Kerrie’s going to need it.
Love you all,
Aunt Mary Jo
Thanks, Jenn! Our love to Kerbear! I hope you get some healing rest tonight. Sweet dreams are coming your way!
Love you!
Aunt Mary Jo
I’ll try this here:
Sending you all our love!
So, Make that:
Deb Kayga
Thanks for the update–I print them and take them to central orientation to share. I’m glad they know where the infection is–now they can fix it!! Hang tough my friend-you are in my constant thoughts and PRAYERS!!! Love Deb (FBC)
As always, my thoughts and prayers are with you all. Please let us know when Kerrie can have visitors again. Stay strong, Kerrie!