
Wednesday , July 25 1:45pm

Kerrie’s fever was back up to 102 this morning.. the had ice on her to try to cool her down. Platellets were low, so did a Stat transfusion. She’s talking a little bit, but sometimes asking for things we can’t figure out.

Uncle Jerry and Aunt Carolyn came to see her this morning.. she woke up and smiled for Uncle Jerry, but was pretty unresponsive most of the time. She’s sleeping now…

Will update more later



  • Aunt Mary Jo

    Dear Jenn,

    I know it must be excrutiating for you to write these updates and I thank you for doing them. As hard as they are to write, then read, it is wonderful to feel close to Kerrie through you. We love her and wish we could be there with you. Sending our love, always. Please let Kerrie know how much she is loved by everyone. Thanks!!!!

    Love to all of you, too.


  • Teena

    Jenn taking the time to update for all of us KAST members, you are as amazing as Kerrie & I thank you. Sending you all my love, thoughts & prayers.