Tuesday, July 24th
Not much to tell today…Â Kerrie’s fever has gone down and, at the moment, is holding at normal. She’s still a little labored with her breathing, but her oxygen level is improving. She slept most of the day, had blood and platellets, but was awake and a little more alert tonight. That lasted all of about 30 minutes.. but at least she was alert and talking for a little while.
She has a strange rash on her hands, which the doctors are looking into, and her left arm is very swollen ( again.. doctors are looking into this), but she seems to be stable at the moment. Still sleeping alot, still on oxygen.. but fever has gone down.
We’ll let you know how tomorrow goes
Aunt Mary Jo
Thanks for the update, Jenn. We love you! Give Kerrie our love, too.
Aunt Louise
All of you, but especially Kerrie are in my thoughts and prayers. Have a good day today – Wednesday. May God be with all of you in a special way.
Art & Kerry Feather
You’re all in our thoughts and our hearts. We’ve been checking this site daily. Thank you for keeping us updated. Kerrie has made some amazing recoveries, lets keep it going!!!
Joan I’ve wanted to call you, but feel its never the right time. Thank God for this website.
We’re with you in thoughts and prayers all day every day.
Your California family loves you all.
leslie parrish
my prayers are with you kerry always
Geri Dial
One of our internet prayer chain group members sent this today and I hope you will go to this
link. I hope you can feel the strength from the many prayers that are being prayed for you Kerrie
and care-givers. Y ou will probably have to cut & paste instead of click and be sure your speakers
are on for the Peace in the Valley song.
Click here http://www.hall4bc04.org/Storm.htm
Continued prayers–Geri
Sweet Kerrie,
You are so amazing!!
My thoughts & prayers are with all of you.
Much Love!!!!!!!
Sandy p2
Kerrie, what a special privaledge to have met a couragious strong woman like yourself , I was honoured to be a part of your care , even if we often did not agree…be free up there and say hello to any one we may know. Visit via your spirit I will be expecting you!