
Friday, July 13th

Hello Everyone,
Sorry, I have lost the address for the post again…. don’t know what happened, so hopefully Jenn will move this for me.

this will be short and sweet, bittersweet I fear. I don’t have the energy to go in to details right now, and don’t have many details to give you, but things are not going well.

Kerrie is sleeping soundly right now, thanks to many drugs, as she has had a bone marrow biopsy (again) today and then more blood transfusions. The doctors are trying to identify just what is happening, but we do know that the leukemia is coming back in full force. What we don’t know is if there is any treatment for what is happening.

The doctors will have a better idea by monday or tuesday if there is anything that can be done. Kerrie is definitely getting weaker. I couldn’t get her up today into her wheelchair without help. She is somewhat aware of the concern, but it is hard to tell if she really understands, because she thinks a lot but has trouble communicating her thoughts. I just talked to her nurse, Sue, who said that she is still sleeping off her test and infusion drugs, so hopefully that will carry her until morning.

I am working tomorrow, but her dad is coming in the morning and Sis will be there in the late afternoon. Hopefully, one of us will be able to post tomorrow or Sunday with an update.

No matter what the doctor’s decide, Ker will be coming home. So, Kathy, Yup, I’m still planning on your coming next weekend and all of you who have said you wanted to help…. hopefully you haven’t changed your phone numbers, cause I’ll be calling. And if you don’t hear from me, call me, OK.

Will give more info when we have it………in the meantime……..remember all those prayers? Keep them coming, OK……..cause we sure need them now.

Love you all