
Wednesday, July 11th… 5:30pm

Kerrie’s back in the Hospital…

She broke out in a head-to-toe rash today, so Mom took her in. They’ve decided to keep her there for a few days. Not sure what’s causing it, since she really doesn’t have any new meds, but a rash is one of the signs of GVHD so she could be having issues with this in an area other than her liver and gal bladder.. or it could be those.. or it could be something completely diffferent.. or could be something esle all together.

No idea.

I have now decided that Ron, Alisa and the kids are no longer allowed to come visit me in July. Last year, on the day they were on their way here, Mom called to say Kerrie had gotten some blood work done, while at work, and they had decided to admit her into the hospital. Ron and the gang are on their way here now… go figure…

Guess she’s feeling pretty cruddy, but at least she’s someplace that is her second home. Hopefully will only be there a few days and we will have her back at Mom’s. We’ll keep you updated.



  • Kat

    Sorry to hear Kerrie’s not feeling well and has a rash. I’ve tried to keep updated as much as possible while working out of state and as always, my thoughts are with my dear friend. Hopefully when she’s feeling better I can come pay a visit. Kerrie, you hang in there Doll!