
Wednesday, July 11th

No word from Mom yet I guess… I did talk to her, briefly, last night so have a little information. Hopefully Mom can give more info later.

The trip to Henry Ford went well. Her Billy Rubin ( have to find out how this is really spelled) is down below 3.. which is good. They have to get it down to at least 2 to be able to do any more treatment. She didn’t need platellets.. also good.. but her white blood cell count was up to 14. It was 10 or 11 last week.. big jump in a few days, so this isn’t a good sign, but could be caused by a few different things: Possibly infection.. or it could be the Leukemia raising it’s ugly head. Normal is somewhere between 10 & 12 I think… When she was diagnosed her white blood cell count was at 50. No reason to panic yet, but they did do some blood cultures, to look for infection and I guess we’ll just have to wait and see what happens when she goes back to HFH on Friday.

We’re coming up on the one year anniversary of Kerrie’s diagnosis. A year ago she had already been talked into getting bloodwork done by Darby ( Thanks again Darby)..we’d been prepared this was not going to be something simple.. and we were getting ready for a meeting with her Dr. to get the results. A year ago, tomorrow, is the last normal day we would ever experience..

… and then came July 13th


  • Aunt Mary Jo

    We never know what even the next minute will bring. But, it is hard to live a life fully worrying about what might happen. What we can focus on is the here and now and taking every opportunity to tell those that we love just that. “I love you and thank you for all you have been in my life.” (Loved ones, please take note!) But still, there are many who never get the chance to say it. (But, we know it, don’t we?) The sweetest part of this past year has been seeing Kerrie’s response to all the challenges that have come her way and watching you and Kerrie have time together that in the past you never knew you could afford. As Kerrie continues to amaze us with her will and drive, I think we are all amazed at the love she has given and the love that has been shared through this website. It has been a hard year, but not all bad!

    By the way, the correct spelling is “biliruben,” but, I like your versions better. Love you!