Tuesday, July 10th..morning
No posts since Friday… and I know people have been checking the site over and over. It was a very hectic weekend, with Mom working… me trying to get back into the swing of playing “nurse at beck and call”.. phones ringing.. other phones ringing while I was on one phone.. double lines ringing while the other phone ws ringing.. it was crazy. No time for me to get on the computer and, obviously, no time for Mom to get on the computer since I left on Sunday night.
I’ve been checking the site as much as everyone else…ahhemm.. Mom… hint.. hint..:)
I didn’t get a chance to talk to them at all yesterday, but I guess everything is fine or I would have heard something.
Kerrie had a lot of visitors on Sunday.. Aunt Michelle, Aunt Rosemary, our cousin Bridget, our friend Teena ( up visiting from Florida).. she was pretty worn out, but seemed more like she herself.
They are at Henry Ford today, so hopefully Mom will post some news later and we can all rest a little easier… Ahhemmm.. Mom.. hint.. hint.. 🙂
Like the rest of you, I’ll be checking the site later this evening..
Kerry & Art
Just checking in on our dinosaur computer —-
seems to be working today!!!!!
Been thinking about you as always.
Sorry we haven’t been good about keeping in touch.
We promise to do better.
And NO we don’t have a new computer yet– spent all
our money on a new kitchen.
Love to All
A & K