Sunday July 1
Well, another day is done and what a day!….. Started out with a regular breakfast followed by a pile of pills. Then while I went and ran some errands Jenn and Ker got up and cleaned up and dressed and all the good stuff. Got back in time for lunch at the kitchen table and then Dad came for a visit.
Jenn, Ker and their Dad even got a chance to take a walk outside and enjoy the bright sunshine. Later, cousin Paul came for a visit. Unfortunately he got here when Ker had timed out for the afternoon, guess she managed to stay awake for a short time and then la la land. She didn’t wake up until Jenn was heading for her car to go home. After Jenn left Ker and I were suddenly alone……the first time in two months. Seemed kind of funny. We ate soup in front of the TV, and then the pill parade started again. I had to keep waking Kerrie up to finish her meds.
The first night and morning at home I was a little overwhelmed until I got things organized. Kerrie has 14 different medications to take or be given thru the feeding tube at 9 am……. all but 3 are repeated one or two more times during the day. The pharmacist at HFH, Nancy, put together a very nice med sheet for me, but it still seemed like I’d never get it straight…….but I have and we’re in business. Just have to get in the habit of starting earlier, because it takes so long to get them all together.
Kerrie seems to be enjoying being home. She is still trying to figure out the TV stations, she had gotten pretty used to the ones at HFH. She likes getting up and sitting at the table and looking at the TV. We have finally gotten out many of the beautiful gifts she has been given over the past year ( and it will be one year next week). It was like getting them for the first time all over again as she hasn’t seen many of the items for a while. We had fun looking at them too as we set them out for her.
Not a very exciting post, rather a humdrum day actually………. BUT I LIKE HUMDRUM! Would like to keep it that way for awhile.
Will update again soon…….Going to HFH Tuesday for a clinic visit…….Hoping for good news……will let you know.
Take care all