Saturday, June 30th
Seems like an almost “normal” day… meds, getting Kerrie out of bed, putting her back to bed, more meds, IV’s.. later more meds and tube feedings. She has a ton more medication than before, but once Mom got it organized it doesn’t seem so overwhelming. Even though it’s been 2 months since we had to do any of this stuff ourselves, it was easy to remember. Except for when I had to be the one to show MOM how to start the IV pump :)Â HA!
Mom brought home a few different new cars today, and Kerrie tried getting in out and out them to see which would be the easiest. Not sure which one she will go with. My vote is for the mini-van..
Kerrie’s sleeping right now, Mom’s getting caught up on work and we’re doing laundry.. normal, blah, every day stuff. We’d like to keep it that way. In the next few days, Kerrie will start in-home rehab again. We’re hoping to get the same people she had before, since they arleady know her.. and I bet she’s anxious to be able to get back to outpatient re-hab ( I think she wants to see that hottie therapist 🙂 )… but she’ll have to build up her strenght first.
Tuesday she goes to Henry Ford to see Dr. Jana and then again on Friday. Blood work and probably transfusions.. and hopefully the results of the latest bone marrow biopsy.
For now, things are as normal as they were before Kerrie went back into the hospital. Dad’s coming to visit tomorrow and I will have to head back to Ohio. Kerrie is definately ready for other visitors.. so feel free to come see her.
Deb Kayga
I’m so happy for all of you (and me too!) That was quit a delay but she is back to the business of getting better! Hey Kerrie–glad you made the decision to give it a fight. You WON!!!
Love to all, Deb Kayga
Janet Branch
Go with the Bentley, Joan. Should be comfortable and accessible. Looks great too! We are thrilled to know that you are home, Kerrie.
The gang at SACC –