monday night
Just a quick note……….had a nice day….. Ker was up a lot, smiling and really with the program…. actually asked to get up today…. guess she’s tired of staying in bed. Her brother Ron was here for quite a while today, visiting and helping. He had some basic lessons in how to take care of Ker, some he wanted and some he didn’t. But he charged in like a brother would do, and did a good job too. won’t go in to details, but, thanks Ron, you’re a trouper. Got my garage cleaned up a bit too……that was a job I dreaded and does it look neat now!
Tomorrow is HFH Clinic day…………anxious to hear how her lab work looks. Am packed, medications, lunch stuff, extra clothes, toothbrush. You’d think we were going for the weekend and not just part of the day. Up early, wash up, meds and breakfast and then on the road about 8 am. Have a van coming tomorrow….not sure how Ker will do and don’t want to take a chance on driving, just in case it’s a three man job getting her back in to the Jeep……should have a different car in a couple of days and hopefully it will be easier.Â
Will let you know how tomorrow goes………let’s hope ole Billy Rubin is going away… that’s real important……..and let’s hope she doesn’t need too much replacement. We expect platelets, but hoping no other tranfusions or infusions are in store. Would like to be home before midnight if we can make it :)Â
Have a great 4th everyone………….and happy anniversery Ron and Alisa!!!! Seems like just the other day. And Robyn, hope you can make it over to give Aunt Ker a concert. I know she would love it and I miss hearing you play the viola (Miss FIRST CHAIR).
Take care all, think of us tomorrow and send some strong messages our way.
Love Ya