
Thursday Nite

Well, the refrigerator is stocked…… Chocolate milk, orange juice, HagenDaz (hi fat) chocolate ice cream, cream cheese and hot dogs. I told Ker to enjoy her last few meals at HFH, cause she just isn’t going to get that service here. But, at least I’ll keep some of the staples (above) in the house. 🙂

Just waiting for the final word in the morning. As long as nothing adverse shows up on her lab results the discharge will be written. She will get a blood transfusion before leaving and maybe platelets too. Then as soon as Sis arrives (that’s what they call Jenn at HF) we will hit the road. Nancy, the pharmacist has put together a beautiful and simple medication sheet for me, so I just saved about two hours of sitting and trying to set up schedules. Thank You, Nancy!!!!

Ker went on a lot of oral meds today including her pain medication………….and guess what? She’s back!!!!!   She is so much more talkative and alert. she’s joking and smiling and herself!!! Of course, she has also slept off the addicts dream day on Tuesday when she had continous doses of all kinds of mind altering, sedative, pain relieving drugs. She actually has no memory of any of the procedures that they did…….and that is good.

I asked her if she would be disappointed if I didn’t stay at the hospital tonite as I needed to get home to pick up some groceries and do a couple of things here. She said no as long as I got there in time tomorrow to get her dressed. Don’t worry, kiddo………..I will be there plenty early to do that.

Her nurses got her up today and said that she was in her chair for several hours…….way to go Ker! I decided to give the wheelchair a whirl…….had never even sat in the thing. Then I thought I would see how I would do steering it with one hand like Kerrie has to do…….bang, bump, wrong way, round in circles, drats!!! Ker kept trying to tell me how to do it………”No Mom, do it this way, turn it that way……” I finally gave up…………I don’t know how she does it. They make special wheelchairs for one handed use, but the therapists said that are very heavy ( thanks, cause it’s all I can do to get this one in the back of the Jeep) and much more expensive. They said Ker needed to learn to use the regular kind. Apparently she has mastered it fairly well, but I sure haven’t.

Well, assuming that all goes as planned the next post will be the saga of Ker, Jenn and Joan booking out of HFH as quick as we can before someone changes their mind. Stay tuned for further events.

Keep sending that energy,

Love Ya
