Thursday, June 28th… morning
Love how Mom says she’s going to make a short post and then goes on.. and on.. and on… 🙂
Just glad she’s been posting. I have barely been able to make it to the site, let alone post anything.
Happy Kerrie is coming home, not happy that she is not ready for any other treatment right now, but guess we have to take the good with the bad…
Ker-bear… you know I am scared to death of hanging those IV’s. Terrified of the air bubbles.. but I will do my best. It figures you would have more of them now! When the machine beeps that there is an air bubble, I will try not to run around the living room ( at 2:00am) freaking out because there’s air in the line… and I try not to waste half the meds trying to make sure there is no air in the line 🙂
Miss you and cannot wait to get home tomorrow! Thanks Mom, for keeping the site going while I have been detained at work at all hours of the day and night. And thank you to everyone else for their support and prayers. Like Mom.. I think they may be working.
Kerrie make sure you ask Jenn about Serbia…….. We here at HR hope you get better.. You are a True DIVA!!!