Tuesday, June 19th 7:00pm
They finally did the colonoscopy sometime around 3:00pm. It took a lot longer than normal, and Mom was getting worried, but it turns out they didn’t see anything that would be causing her to bleed. There was some fresh blood, but they could not locate where it may have been coming from.
Now they plan to do another “scopy” of some kind tomorrow. This is like the colonoscopy, but they go down into her throat and stomache. If she continues to remain stable, and they don’t find anything tomorrow, she will probably be moved back to P2. I don’t like not having answers… but she has been the challenge to the doctors all along.
Her platellets are low, but her hemoglobin is better than it’s been in a long time. Of course, she’s had 4 or 5 units of blood in the last 24 hours.
When the doctor said she has lost almost 1 and 3/4 liters of blood she asked Dad how much the human body can hold. She wanted to know if she was almost “empty”.
I think she’s a little scared, but she’s pretty drugged up today and sleeping most of the time.
I will post later, if there is any new information, but will hopefully have no reason to post until tomorrow. We’ll let you know if they find out anything then.
Aunt Mary Jo
Thanks for the update, Jenn. I just checked into the answer for Kerrie: The body holds approximately 5.6 liters of blood. Having lost 1.75 liters, Kerrie still had 3.85 liters left, but, THAT WAS ENOUGH, OK? :>)
Aunt Mary Jo
Sandy Bliss
Thank you Jenn, we know it is difficult for you to run to a computer to inform us inquiring and anxious minds. I can’t tell you how much we truly appreciate you doing this for all of us considering what you are all going through at the present time. Give hugs and kisses to Kerrie Lee and by the way, where is Bear? Prayerfully, she will head back to her room sooner than later.
God Bless you Kerrie I love you and the rest of the Andree family!!!
Aunt Rosie
Dear Jenn,
Thanks or the update. I sent out an email to all my Prayer Warriors and from the responses heaven is being stormed.
My words of Wisdom today is this:
“What Cancer cannot do…
It cannot
invade the soul
suppress memories
kill friendship
destroy peace
conquer the spirit
shatter hope
cripple love
corrode faith
steal eternal life
silence courage.”
Please read this to Kerrie, she is an living example of what Cancer cannot do.
All my love and prayer to you, Kerrie, Joan, Ron and Steve.
Aunt Rosie