
wednesday evening June 20th

Hello Everyone,

am at home picking up a few necessities for the next few days and will try to give you a very brief update.

Kerrie had a gastroscopy this afternoon (a scope of the esophagus and stomach and upper bowel). Nothing, nothing, nothing!!!! except for a little ulcer at the suture line of her bariatric surgery.

“Suture line, ulcer?” I said. “Do you think it is the fistula (opening) into the remnent stomach?” She doesn’t have a fistula I was told. “Yes she does” I said. I told you that before I left (was kicked) out of the room. Puzzled look, she can’t have a fistula, it must have healed…… Yeah, right.

So, now to ask the bone marrow doctors if there is any test we can do on the remnent stomach to see if there is an ulcer or something there that is bleeding. Another thing that could have caused this is the massive amount of steroids she is getting. If you could see her puffy face you would understand the effect they are having on her. And they impede healing which could cause a small ulcer or sore to open up and bleed.

Back to square one and hopefully back to P2 tomorrow. Kerrie was sleeping when I left and Jenn and Ron were watching over her. When I have finished drying her blankets and special pillow and repacked her stuff so quickly moved out of her room, I’ll be heading back. Jenn and I are staying in the guest housing right now but will move back into Ker’s room and soon as she is transferred.

So all is well right now or so it seems……….We will see the bone marrow team tomorrow and find out what the next step is………….hopefully a step closer to coming home.

Thanks for all the posts, prayers and thoughts.

We love you all,


ps. FBC family……….am thinking about you tonight……..you are in our prayers. Don’t lose touch……isn’t it great we’ve got this website so we can reach each other.


  • Aunt Mary Jo

    Thanks so much for the update, Joan. Despite all you, Kerrie, and the family are going through you take the time to post and we really appreciate it. Thank you!!!!! You know we hang on every post! Please tell Kerrie we are all praying, sending light, calling Prayer Warriors, keeping “an eye” on you, accepting prayers from strangers to Kerrie, and praying some more ourselves. Whatever we can do to send our love!

    Hang tough, Kerbear. We are with you all the way!!!! XXOO Aunt MJ, Uncle Jack and Jno

  • heather (anderson)

    Lots of love, prayers ,and planning…..Cuz there is going to be a big celebration when you conquer this like you do eveything else!!!!Everyone loves you so much!!You are the best!!!!

  • Deb Kayga

    Joan, Jen & Kerrie—Just wanted to say Hi and let you know that I’m always thinkding of all of you!1 Hang tough!!! Deb Kayga

  • Arlene

    Jenn and Joan – you do an amazing job of keeping all of us so informed about Carrie. Know that your Golf Manor friends keep all of you in our thoughts and prayers.

  • denni

    tell Kerrie that i think of her all the time, i miss her and love her. let her know that i am moving to Georgia on 7/4 (because of the situation on FBC). I will watch this site and keep in tough. love and prayers. Denni