
Tuesday, June 19th

Just a quick update.. nothings been done yet. Still waiting for the colonoscopy.. and waiting to see if they will do the other radio-active dye x-ray.  The doctor lets us know that Kerrie had lost 1 3/4 liters of blood, and she received 4 units throughout the night and platellets.. but they do not think she is actively bleeding now.

 Hope they are right. I’ll update again as soon as we have some info.



  • Aunt Rosie

    Dear Jenn and Joan,

    Thanks for the update. My thoughts and prayers are with you. I have a package ready to mail for Kerrie, something I bought in Ohio but I think I will send to your home since she is in ICU now. My prayers are with all of you. Know you are not alone.


    Aunt Rosie

  • Cousin Pat

    Jenn and Aunt Joan,
    Thank you for giving us your time and consideration. You have so much on your plate as it is, and I just want to thak you for making room on it for the K.A.S.T.. Thoughts and prayers continue to go out for all of you.
    Love Pat