
Monday, June 18th

Well, it’s really Tuesday, June 19th but whose paying attention… we’re back to being in ICU, staying in the Henry Ford Apartments and being totally lost when it comes to date, time, etc.

If you haven’t seen the posts, from our aunts, in the gallery.. here’s a quick update. Kerrie is back in ICU with possible internal bleeding. She scared the heck out of Mom when her blood pressure dropped, heart rate went up, hemoglobin went from 9 (?? I think) to 2… and all this was shortly after we were given good news that the Billy Rubin had dropped from 10 or 11 to 6. The Billy Rubin news is what we wanted.. the rest to follow is our new nightmare.

Kerrie is now stable, sleeping in ICU, has been restricted to a clear liquid diet ( so they wouldn’t let me get her a chocoloate milkshake).. and a few minutes ago they made her NPO ( nothing passes orally) to prepare her for her procedures in the morning.

She will have a colonoscopy and possibly some other procedure where they inject radio active die into her blood stream and then do an x-ray to see if they can determine where she is bleeding. Not sure when.. but this should all happen in the morning.

Mom is trying to sleep, Ron has gone home for the night and Dad will be here in the morning. Should have more news then.

Not that this is a time for laughs.. but if you need a good smile I’ve got one for you. I learned something new tonight. Did you know that people who have + bloodtypes can get – blood?? I didn’t.. I guess they can..

So, when you are in your sisters room in ICU and you look up at the blood that is being transfused into her and it’s A- DON’T start freaking out that they have given her the wrong blood.. don’t start running around the room saying, “Oh my God. They gave her the wrong blood. She’s not A- anymore.. she changed to my blood type and that’s A+” Don’t panic and run down the hall, looking for your mother, because it was the next best thing to hitting the CODE BLUE button in the room.. really don’t do this.. if you do, your mother and everyone else will look at you like you are completely insane and should have paid more attention in your high school biology class.

Guess there’s a shortage of A+ blood right now.. so they gave her A-

Yes.. I’m going to see about donating, but that pesky little things about having been in Eastern Europe in the last 6 months could keep me off the list.

We’ll update, or have someone do an update for us, as we get more news. Keep watching the gallery. That is where our family will post the updates if we can’t get to a computer.



  • Aunt Michelle

    Thanks Jenn ~ Was just getting ready to call it a night when I thought I would check again to see an update. Know that we love you all and are praying like crazy. Hugs & Kisses to all ~
    Aunt Michelle

  • Aunt Louise

    Dear Ones,

    I kept checking on Monday for an update and none appeared. NOW I know why! LOTS of prayers are coming your way from Ventura for Kerrie and all of you! So sorry to read about the latest. Hope the procedure today (Tuesday a.m.) will give some answers. God bless all of you!

    Love & prayers,

  • Joan

    Ker is stable this morning…..no more active bleeding. She will have a colonoscopy sometime between now (1045) and mid afternoon. She had a total of 4 units of blood (she had gone from 9+ down to about 6+ yesterday). Her hgb is holding about 8.9 now. She is smiling and watching ER on tv. Didn’t know where she was or why but we talked about it and she’s ok with it. doesn’t remember yesterday. Guess sometimes having memory loss is good.

    Will post more later