Saturday, June 16th
Kerrie and I were dreaming of chocolate milkshakes and singing a little song…
“Oh chocolate milkshakes are so yummy.. and they feel good in my tummy….”
and I’m humming this little song, as I walk down the hall to the freezer, when I open the freezer door and. OH NO! There’s no more ice cream in the freezer. Kerrie was very distressed my this, but had a huge smile on her face when I wiped out a couple of orange popsicles.. so now here we are, watching Saturday Night Live and getting sticky, orange popsicle stuff all over our faces.
The day didn’t start out too great. Kerrie wasn’t feeling well, but was feeling more herself by lunch time. We got her out of bed, and sat at the table to eat our yummy lunch together.. Tuna Fish sandwiches, peaches, chocolate milk ( I had the white milk) and chocolate chip cookies. Then we went for a stroll, in the hallways, for about 30 minutes.. came back to the room and watched some TV. She was practically falling over, from being alseep, but this point so decided to get her back into bed.
I had to run a long list of errands so I left for several hours. Dad and Joyce got there just as I was leaving, so she wasn’t alone for too long. I thought I’d be back around 9:00pm, but didn’t get back until a little after 11:00pm.. walked in the door, she looked at me and said, “Oh thank God. Where have you been?” I couldn’t believe she was sitting up, lights on, wide awake waiting for me. I felt like I’d stayed out past my curfew and was being scolded. So, tried to make up for it with Chocolate milkshakes.. but… ( Please refer to first paragraph)
No exciting news from Dr. Jana today, other than the X-Rays not showing anything with her foot. Mom figures she must have sprained it when she was trying to walk. No word on the billy rubin numbers yet, but I guess it’s still to early for that. Kerrie’s looked jaundice, on and off today, but for the most part she’s looked pretty good.
She’s just gotten her midnight dose of dilauded and she’s falling fast. I need to get that orange popsicle out of her hand before she get’s any more on her face. She’s so cute when she’s orange and sticky.
Michael Andree
I am so proud to be an Andree, knowing how family stays togeather and take care of eachother. Jenn I am blessed to be able to say you are my cousin and Kerrie, you are an insperation to us all to fight the fight and stay focused on the future. I love you both!