Friday, June 15th
Long day… Not really a bad day, just long. Kerrie had coffee waiting for me when I woke up, plus breakfast. I suppose she was trying to make up for making me walk down the hall yesterday 🙂
She hasn’t felt great today.. even turned down a visit with her friend Donna. Hey Donna, I think Kerrie’s regretting telling you that she wasn’t up to visitors when you called. I know she really wants to see you, but was feeling really cruddy today.
No fever, but “feeling like crap” as she put it to the doctor. Dr. Jana has cut back her dilauded to every four hours.. this has Kerrie a little stressed out, and in tears when it gets to that 3rd hour and she stares at the clock knowing she has to wait longer…Not sure if it’s because she’s really feeling a lot of pain, or just wanting to have it because she was used to getting it every three hours.
We tried watching movies, to keep her mind off the clock and the diluaded, but that didn’t work.. so we watched comedy shows and that seemed to help for a while.
She went for her x-ray, on her foot and ankle, and hopefully we’ll find out if there is anything wrong. It’s not so swollen today, but still pretty puffy and hurts her to try to move it. The x-rays were a little painful for her, because they had to keep turning her right leg and ankle so they would sit straight… she can’t get her leg to sit straight, so it was less than pleasant for her.
Now we’re back in her room and relaxing.. she’s sleeping, but will wake up at 10:30pm without a doubt. It will be time for dilauded, and somehow she’s going to know this even when she’s sleeping. Yep.. she just woke up.. with 10 minutes to go before “dilauded time”. Once she gets it, she’ll relax again and go back to sleep.
She looks so beautiful when she sleeps.
And knowing she’s sleeping helps me sleep too…