
Sunday, June 10th

( This post was originally put in the gallery.. obviously Mom didn’t pay attention .. or doesn’t remember.. what I showed her about getting on the admin page from the laptop :). Not sure if people always log onto the gallery, or just the front page, so putting Mom’s post here as well.. Love you Mom..Love you Kerrie)

Hello Everyone,
Quiet day around here today. Had a nice visit with Aunt Jeaninne and then Ron came tonight and we three “did dinner” together.
Kerrie was up for awhile earlier today, but tired out pretty quickly. She tried to nap off and on all afternoon, but everytime she dozed off someone came in.

Dinner order
“Just checking”
Phone ringing

No wonder she’s tired!

Tomorrow is another infusion of her new drug. Please think of her tomorrow. I don’t know what time she will get it, but I want it to go the way it went yesterday. Calmly and quietly with her sleeping through most of it.

I have been getting calls from people wanting to visit. I want anyone who wants to come to visit and so does Kerrie. But, I want to emphasize to everyone, please call first. There is so much going on and if Kerrie is getting her treatment I will not be leaving the room during the first critical hours and there can only be two people here at a time so if there is more than one of you you’ll have to take turns. She will also be very sedated or asleep through most of it so there won’t be much visiting with her, just me.

If you call then I’ll also know if anyone else if planning on coming down, then you won’t have to wait if someone else is in the room.

Read Ker some more of her posts tonight and she asked me to put one on for her was well.

She is very aware of all of you out there sending thoughts and prayers her way. Just wish you could all be here at once to tell her in person.

Take care…….will write more tomorrow.
Love you all

and Kerrie too


  • Noelle

    Kerrie. Keep Strong.. and Don’t Give up.. You are in our prayers.. YOU ARE A TRUE FIGHTER!!!

  • Judi Supanich

    Hi Kerrie…Just want you to know I have been keeping you in my thoughts and prayers ! Keep on fighting Kerrie! Love Judi