Saturday, June 9th 2:30pm
We’ve just started the first dose.
She’s been heavily pre-medicated with a ton of benedryl, tyelonol and some other stuff.. and I mean very heavily pre-medicated. In her words.. she’s “Pretty darn stoned”. Yet, she still keeps asking for her dilauded 🙂
Dr. G. and Hortensia have just started the IV drip of this medication and they’ve got her on a blood pressure/heart rate monitor and will check her every 15 minutes. If she starts to feel funny, sweaty, gets a rash, has problems breathing, etc. she needs to let us know right away. Dr. G. is sitting at the desk, oustide Kerrie’s room, and will be there during the entire infusion.
Mom took a picture of Kerrie and Dr. G, Hortensia started the IV and I held tight to my prayer bracelet and kissed it, silently begging Kerrie to get through this OK .As the IV started Dr. G. said, “Go Kerrie go…. you’re a strong woman. You can do this.”
We all love you Kerbear.. we know you can do this.
Go Kerrie Go!!
Luv You!!!
Stay strong Kerrie! We love you!!!
You can and will beat this Kerrie!I have never prayed this much for anything.I love you!
Aunt Michelle
Miracles can happen ~ if you believe.
I BELIEVE !!!!!!!!!