
Saturday June 2

Got to the hospital after work to find Kerrie sitting up in bed finishing her dinner with a big smile on her face. She looked pretty good and seemed to be comfortable and content. Told me later that she had felt “antsy” all day, but couldn’t really explain it. Just felt good for a while and then didn’t feel so good.

Took her table top mirror to her, to make tooth brushing a little easier…….put it on her table and she took a look and said “I’ve got hair! Look at my hair!”.  Seems all this time she couldn’t really see herself in the overbed table mirror. We’d been telling her about her hair, but she hadn’t seen it.  She keep turning her head, and rubbing her hair. Boy, was she happy. One of the nurses has a short haircut and she wears the top almost like a long brush cut. We had told Ker the other day that we needed to get some gel so that her hair would stand up like Kathy’s. She said, “now we are almost the same”.

Ron and Alisa came to visit tonite. Jenn had arrived shortly after I got there….. so, four’s a crowd, and I have to get up early so I said goodnite to all………hope they had a good time together. Ker is in a rare mood tonight, joking, making faces and just plain being silly. The kind of thing that makes the drive down worthwhile.

Take care all……….when we get some news re: biopsies, chest xrays, lab work, etc. etc will update you

Love ya



  • Gaye et. al

    Hello dear ones. I have had major computer issues, thus have not been able to check in for some time. I obviously need to go back a bit to catch up. Please know, that as remiss as we are in keeping abreast of things & communicating, that we do think of you all so often, send our love and positive thoughts & wish we could be there to lend a hand.
    Please give our love & a hug to Kerrie & then spread the same around to each of you. Will make a concerted effort to stay abreast of developments now that I’m back in the cyber world!
    Love & miss you all.
    Gaye, Kerry, Lori & Clans