Friday Night
Just a quick note:
No word on the liver biopsy yet….. hopefully sometime this weekend or by Monday at the latest. No, Kerrie didn’t sleep thru the biopsy…..says she remembers it all, but didn’t care. Versed is a wonderful drug…….if you have had surgery lately you probably had it. You are awake, but you don’t give a darn about anything they do…. and don’t remember the rough stuff (if you remember anything at all).
She was running a little temp earlier today… Her friend Donna came to visit and I was getting ready to leave when they showed up to take her for a chest xray (because of the temp? who knows?) ……… so up we went to radiology and then back to the room……. was getting ready to leave again, thought to ask her is she needed anything………. back to the pantry, into the frig, back to the room , into the frig, scoop, pour and there it was! Another chocolate milkshake
Sip, Sip, “Good night Mom, See you tomorrow. ” Sip, Sip.
Good night Kerrie, love you lots……… See you tomorrow. Don’t forget, Sis is coming.
More later