Friday May 25
Okay, Okay, I’ll get something on here! Sorry, been busy too…….but not opening a park, just cruising with Ker.
Not much has changed….. still going thru the “what is this” business. Kerrie’s labs continue to be up when they should be down and down when they should be up. She gets lots of replacements for things like potassium. We finally figured out how to give her some extra besides thru the IV (which can be touchy as Potassium aka K can cause some cardiac changes). when we have tried to put it in the feeding tube directly she gets very sick immediately. Last nite tried to get her to swallow it. Then I tasted it and said “YUK!”. But, mixed with a can of tube feeding, nice and diluted it goes in with the feeding very well. Well enough that this morning her postassium was high enough that PT and OT could finally come to see her. They didn’t stay very long, but long enough to get her up and take her for a very short walk. I really think that did her some good. And she (or I) had enough energy after to take a shower.
Now, the shower thing can get very interesting and I’d invite you to come see, but Ker said no and no pictures either. Getting her, the wheelchair, the IV pole, the towels, bath blankets (for the flood on the floor), and me in there is a trick. But when the water starts to run and she sighs and puts her head back to let it run all over it’s worth the effort. And she smells so good after 🙂
Doctors ordered another CT scan of her face which involves 15 hours of a prep because she is now allergic to the dye, so tonite at 7 pm she had it done. Won’t probably know anything until Tuesday, but if it looks like the infection in the soft tissue on the left side of her face is better they may make some changes in dosages of her meds as her liver is quite involved. Did I mention that she is a pretty (not really) shade of yellow? That’s not good, so I hope that things have improved and they can back off a bit. This is a case when the cure could be worse than the disease.
When I left Ker was kind of floating in a Benadryl, pain medication cloud and hopefully will have a good nite. Will fill you in on what transpires in the next few days when things transpire. 🙂
Jenn, don’t work too hard (Yeah, right!). Save some energy so you can come home to see your Sis.
Love You All