Another night at good ole HFH.
What did you do today Kerrie?
“Oh, a lot of nothing”
what did the doctor say today.
“Oh, the usual”
Ok, not much news. Watched some TV (Forrest Gump for the umpteenth time). A nice phone call from her buddy Donna. Then played a game of Bingo….. Kerrie won. Then time for premeds….. Benadryl, etc.. Kerrie said, “better stop now…. I’ll be out shortly”
And she was, but…….. enough energy for “I’d like a milk shake”. so out to the pantry, into the freezer, out with the ice cream, back to the room, into the frig, and out with the BOOST (Thanks Aunt Jeannine) and a yummy milkshake.
Good night Ker, got to go home and get some sleep……be back after work tomorrow….love ya lots….
Eyes half closed, lips around milkshake straw “Love ya too, see you tomorrow
Mom, thanks for the post.. haven’t been able to get to the computer in a while. Yummy milkshakes 🙂 Hope she didn’t fall alseep with her lips around the straw