
Thursday, May 24th

I hate to say it, but we’ve been so overwhelmed at work that I haven’t spoken to Mom or Kerrie in two days. I logged on tonight, hoping that I would find Mom and Kerrie had put an update on here, but no luck. Now I know how you all feel when you log on and there’s nothing here.

Kerrie has my laptop again, so maybe she’ll get a quick message on here in the next day or two. Mom, if you happen to get a chance please let us know what’s going on 🙂

One more day until Park Opening and then I can get some rest, have time for phone calls and get my butt back up to Michigan!

Hey Kerrie ( and Mom), get on the computer and let us know what’s going on!  Tomorrow is our last day to try to get all these people through processing, uniforms, ID badges and education classes. I doubt I will have two seconds to pick up the phone.. but I’ll try!

I’ll give it my best shot to get an update on here tomorrow and, Marce, if I do.. I get TWO gold stars for tomorrow 🙂
