
Wednesday, January 24th

Sorry to keep everyone waiting so long for some information! I’ve been sick, working some crazy hours trying to get caught up at work, and have barely spoken to Mom in the last two days.
Mom said Kerrie had a decent day yesterday, they had her out of bed and sitting in a chair and the doctors said her blood counts were coming back up and looking good. I hope this means the liver enzymes and gall bladder problems are getting better as well. Mom also said the drain tube, in Kerrie’s gall bladder, wasn’t quite so sore today so she was feeling better too.
While I’m starting to feel better, Mom is now sick. It got really bad around 5:00am this morning and Mom decided she needed to leave Kerrie and go home. Not only did she need to be somewhere she could be sick “in peace” and be comfortable, she needed to make sure she wasn’t around Kerrie and would have less chance of having passed it on to her.

I was worried that I may have given her something, since I started getting sick the day I left her… and now Mom, so either she is passing it to us.. or we have both potentially put her at some risk. Hopefully if there was any “passing” going on, she was giving it to us.. and she has so much antibotics being pumped into her that if we exposed her to anything the antibiotics will take care of it.

Kerrie was very upset that Mom was leaving, but she knew Mom had no choice. As she was leaving Kerrie asked her if she would come back Thursday, but that will have to wait and see how Mom does. I’m just glad I’m feeling well enough now that I know I can go back on Friday. If I don’t get snowed in that is…

Several inches of snow in the last few hours, temps dropping to the teens the next two days and more snow on the way. Kerrie, at least that’s one good thing about staying inside..a nice warm blanket, a good TV show and heat..

Don’t worry Ker-bear. I’ll shovel my way to Michigan if I have to.
