Good morning Kast Family,
I just got off the phone with Jenn after calling to see how she is this morning. She still sounds pretty groggy, but says she doing ok. We talked for a short while and reviewed what the doctor told her yesterday and what he told us. We didn’t post last night because we felt that Jenn should know everything first and wasn’t sure if she would remember. She is on a pain pump and she sure is cute when she is drunk.
The surgery went well. Not sure exactly how long, but about 3 hours. The doctor removed a tumor on her ovary that was about the size of a small melon, no wonder her stomach was distended and she was having pain. The sad news is that the tumor was malignant. The better news is that he is very very sure that the cancer is a stage one. That is the best news we could have had.
The ovary had not burst had we had previously thought. It was all contained. They took many (about 50) specimens and removed uterus, ovaries and not sure what else. will need to talk to the doctor again as I missed the first part of what he was telling Dad and Joyce and was so shook up, didn’t think to ask him to repeat some of the details. Guess I need to make one of my famous lists so I can remember what I don’t know. All the specimens (lymph nodes, any tissues, etc) will still have to be examined in detail by a pathologist, but at this point it looks good.
Jenn will be getting chemotherapy. When, for how long, what kind, etc. probably won’t be determined until all the reports are in. The doctor thinks she will probably come home on Monday as long as everything goes well.
She has a very nice room at the hospital, private with a sleep chair, TV, etc. The staff couldn’t be nicer. The wing she is on looks like a hotel. If anyone plans to send a card, send it to the house as she won’t be there long enough to get any thing there so I won’t even bother to include an address for the hospital.
Last night was the Jenny show. When they brought her to the room, the nurse was kind of concerned about her low blood pressure. When she told me what is was I let her know that it was actually a little high for Jenn. She’s just one of these people who run low normally. The nurse asked us to leave the room while she got Jenn settled. We heard the nurse telling her that her two best friends would be the button on her pain pump and her call light. She promptly informed the nurse that her best friend was her husband.
That was just the beginning. When we went back in the room Jenn started talking to us. She’d be halfway thru a sentence and she would fall asleep. Then she tried to give Teena instructions for work, but she kept getting her words mixed up. She started to laugh and then told us to quit making her laugh because it hurt……….we hadn’t done a thing. She went to sleep again, and then out of the blue she says “knock, knock”. I said whose there?, response “me” laugh, and back to sleep. She wouldn’t stop talking, but none of us knew what she was talking about, except she needed certain things done at the office, and things she wanted us to do and she was trying to explain things about who knows what. Finally she said “I don’t know why I’m doing this” and went back to sleep again.
I lost the coin toss and Fuat stayed with Jenn last night. I’ll be heading in in a while to see if he wants to come home for a bit. I don’t think he got much sleep last. Said someone was in every hour or so.Â
Jenn said this morning “the worst is over”. We can all breath a sigh of relief and get ready for the next round, whatever it is.
That’s all for now………and thanks for all the encouraging words, prayers, thoughts and energy that have been sent this way. It means a lot to all of us.
Love you all and will post again soon,
Aunt MJ
My “one more look” before leaving the house was rewarded by your post, Joan. Thanks so much. I am so happy tht Jenn’s “best friend” is now at her side. How hard this long-distance relationship had to be for both of them! We will keep praying for continued good news.
Mary Jo
I’m so glad to hear that she got through the surgery safely. And although it’s discouraging to hear that it was malignant, I’m very glad to hear that she is only in stage 1!! You are gonna beat this Jenn!!!!
I’m very happy to see that even in the midst of all this turmoil, Jenn stays the same Jenn (of course I’m sure the drugs didn’t hurt that either). Laughter truly is the best medicine – even when it hurts a little. Stage 1 is very good news considering the circumstances. Jenn – you have a lot of “family” out here that is pulling for you! We’re with you every step along this journey.
Aunt Michelle
We too are glad for the post Joan ~ Thanks so much. Looking forward to gettting all the details once you on the front-line get a handle on everything. (We remember well that long waiting period for the pathology report ~ actually it was just last year at this time.) Round 1 is over and you’re the WINNER Jenn! Know that we’ve called on all our Angels to watch over you ~ especially Kerrie and Grandpa Andree, Grandma and Grandpa Painter. Just relax and heal ! Round 2 is soon to start but the “Big C” ain’t got a chance … it doesn’t know what a powerful group of faith and love it’s up against! LOVE YOU ALL!
Aunt Roise
Dear Joan, Jenn, Faut, Steve and Joyce,
Came into work this morning just to check my email. Stayed last night until after 7pm checking every 10 min. went home and Mom called saying she heard from Steve but had no news except that Jenn was out of surgery and the Doctors would talk with her first. I waited until after 11pm to hear any more news but nothing.
The news is GOOD. I was so excited to see a post after checking my emails and had nothing.I will continue to pray and will let the prayer warriors know the news so far.
I hope you all can get some rest today and a D E E P sigh of relief. I will start picking out the photos I want to send. One picture is worth a thousand words.
Peace and Joy to you all,
Glad to hear that things ate going well. A lot of people are thinking of you and sending all of their thoughts and prayers your way!!!
Sr. Louise Marie Andree
Thanks, Joan, for the post. Many prayers have been offered for Jenn and all of you from here in Indiana. Know you are loved and will continue to pray. One day at a time….. That is good news that Jenn MAY be able to go home on Monday. May God’s healing love to with Jenn! God’s peace and love be with all of you. Love & prayers, Aunt Louise
one hurdle down…. YAY!!! so happy to hear things went well….. many thoughts and prayers that all continues to go well and a speedy recovery!!!
Jenn and Joan,
Glad to hear that you got through the surgery safely. I will be thinking about you and sending my thoughts and prayers.
Love you Jenn.. And Love you too Joan..
Love ya Jenn~ Glad the first step is over! Keeping you in my prayers! (your family too!)
Cousin Pat
Glad to hear things are on a positive note thus far. Give her a pump push for me!
What great news!! Teena has been keeping me informed as much as she can…so relieved. Like you said, the worst is over!! You are in my thoughts all the time and I am so proud of how strong you have been!! I will down to see you soon!! Hello to Fuat and Mom too!! Oh, and Carol is bringing dinner over for you guys on Wed…lasagna, garlic bread and salad!!