

Hello Kast Family,

It’s been a couple of days since we have been able to sit down at the computer to say HI. Our apologies to all of you who have been calling and emailing if you have not recieved a response. It seems like every time one of our phones have rung we are in another room or in a store at  the counter or check out or at some meeting or driving the freeway. There are so many loose ends that Jenn is trying to complete in a very short time. I just keep adding to the to do list. Just know, we have recieved the calls and emails and cherish them all. Just don’t want you to think you are being ignored.

Jenn, Fuat and I saw the Gyneoncologist on Thursday. He was very nice and very reassuring. Although the first reports Jenn got from the other physicians seemed very definite,  this doctor said, while the testing already done indicates problems, it still remains to be seen just what they are. He would not say that he felt that it is absolutely ovarian cancer, while the signs point to that there is still a chance of another diagnosis. This doctor practices out of a hospital close to Jenn with a large cancer center. I am going to try to get on the website today to learn more about it.

In the meantime Jenn’s dad, Steve, thru a personal contact has been in touch with an influential physician on  the Nevada Cancer Board. I talked to him yesterday and he is advising a second opinion at Massey (the hospital affiliated with VCU – Virginia Commonwealth University). He told us it is the premier hospital on the East Coast. We have called for an appointment, and as he just happens to know some people there is high places so he is going to see if he can help expidite the appointment.

This is putting a little different perspective on the next week. I had planned to go home Monday and come back late Wed or early thurs. but I definitely will go with Jenn to this appointment so unless it happens tomorrow morning I will be staying. Currently, she is scheduled for surgery this Friday, sometime in the afternoon, but that could change now. We will definitely keep you updated on events as they happen.

In the meantime everything is rush, rush. She even needs to get in to the dentist because if she needs chemo after surgery she won’t be able to go until some time after (and she has a sore tooth…drats). She also needs her hair cut and colored, but the doctor told her not to waste her money right now (that was said jokingly as he and Jenn were bantering back and forth). He has a good sense of humor. I have offered to do her roots (like I used to). We’ll see if she lets me. She needs to go to the DMV to change her license, she needs to go here and there and everywhere and guess who gets to go along for the ride 🙂

Just want to let you all know that Jenn looks good. She has good color, is eating, and walking around just like always. It’s hard to realize that there might be something wrong except when her stomach bothers her now and then. I came here to help her and she has been waiting on me………….but we are going to turn that around now………..it’s my turn to load the dishwaster, run the washing machine, use the vacuum. Right now I don’t even know where things are, so my classes start tomorrow.

Well, that’s all for now. If Jenn or I don’t post in the next day or so, just remember, no news is good news.

Thanks for being there everyone

We Love You


ps:  Jenn wanted me to add one more thing…………she just discovered something about the gallery “after 4 years, I never knew this!”. when someone posts, if you click on the area under the persons name that says email hidden (or whatever it says), you can email them directly. it doesn’t show the email, just allows you to send your message………..


  • Aunt Michelle

    Jenn, Fuat and Joan
    Thanks for the update. Just wanted you to know that we are still stormin’ the gates of Heaven with prayers and sending you all our love.
    Take Care
    Love You Lots ~
    Aunt Michelle & Uncle Greg

  • Aunt Roise

    Dear Joan, Jenn And Faut,

    My thoughts and prayers are with you. Looks like you all are doing everything possible. This is really good news. Nothing like storming heaven with prayers and all my prayer warriors have not even started yet.

    My thoughts, good wishes, prayers etc are with you all.



  • Aunt MJ

    It’s great having contacts with people who know people… You deserve the best, Jenn, and it looks like Joan and Steve are going to make sure you get it! Close your eyes and feel the love that is being sent your way and realize the power of the prayers being offered for you around the globe!

    Hello, Fuat! So, how is it having your mother-in-law move in with you, Mr. Newlywed? Oh, c’mon, any of you “tut-tutters”! Humor is healing!

    Love you lots!

    Aunt Mary Jo

  • Mary Jo Terrill

    HI Girls! And greetings to Fuat! Brave man! So good to read the updates here. We are waiting for your news and praying for the best news possible. Miracles do happen! Good luck this week and call anytime.


    The other Mary Jo

  • Betsy

    Joan and Jenn, Our thoughts and prayers are with you and we hope all the best outcomes this week. With many hugs from Betsy, Maureen, Rita, Sharon, James, and Arrin (and I am sure everyone else who knows you here at CHMC)

  • fuat

    my beautful wife, INSALLAH everything will be ok and we will still be doing things we wanted to do…

    i cann not say enough how much i love you but every second i want to say that i love you so I LOVE YOU ,I LOVE YOU ,I LOVE YOU ,I LOVE YOU ,I LOVE YOU ,I LOVE YOU ,I LOVE YOU ,I LOVE YOU MY POEM EYED WIFE…