Another “Miracle” Match
When we found out I was a perfect match for Kerrie it was a miracle.. only 25% chance I would be a match at all and to be a perfect match was almost impossible.
Well, the Andree family has been blessed with another miracle.
My cousin, Jno ( short for Johnathan), had a kidney transplant when he was a child and has been in need of another transplant for a long time. One of the greatest women in our family, my Aunt Jeaninne, stepped up and offered to be tested as a possible donor. She turned out to be a perfect match for him.. now this may not sound like a miracle, but… Jno was adopted ( by my wonderful Aunt Mary Jo and her husband) and is not a blood relative.
What more of a miracle can you ask for than to have one of our family members be a perfect match for him? Really .. what are the odds? I get goosebumps just thinking about it.
Please keep our family in your prayers… after months of testing and preparation, Aunt Jeaninne and Jno will have the transplant conducted tomorrow.
I love you both and I am sure Kerrie and Grandpa are going to be right there with you!!
many thoughts and prayers all go’s well!!!!!