
Monday, June 25th

Hi everyone,
Am down at HFH and can’t get into the admin page to post on the Home page, so hopefully you are checking the gallery (and Jenn will move this when she sees it).

The roller coaster ride is at a plateau again. The doctor came in this morning and it seems that Kerrie’s bilirubin is still going down. She is cautiously optimistic about it. There will be another bone marrow biopsy , probably tomorrow and then when the results are in she will formulate a plan……Oh, please, let it be a positive plan!

Kerrie is going to special procedures tomorrow to have her gallbladder tube checked and probably changed and also her feeding tube. these should be fairly simple procedures so that will be out of the way.

therapy came in today…. she was up and walked across her room then sat at the table for lunch. after noon she was back in bed with lots of meds on board while she got more platelets….tonight up again for dinner and second walk of the day out in the hall and around all the nursing stations. gives both of us a change of scene and some new faces to look at.

Right now she is in bed and snoring away. I am soon to follow as I get tired, even if most of my day is spent sitting and watching tv or talking to Ker.

Will update you when we have some more information. Until then, take care all,

Love Ya
