
Saturday Night the 23rd

Hello Everyone,

Just got back from another wonderful evening at good ole HFH. Got down after work and ran in the room ready to eat my dinner….. the 2/3 that Ker leaves on her tray every day……….low and behold!!!! the plate was bare………she et it all!!!!! Left nary a bite for her starvin mom. so after grumbling a little I made the trek to Little Ceaser’s (in the hospital) and nabbed a sandwich. You can only eat so many pizzas and in the last 10 months we have had our share.

Got Ker up for a bit, she tires pretty quickly right now, but actually looked and acted a little brighter even after she was back in bed. Tomorrow we sit up longer and do a little more.

Not much more to report today. didn’t see her labs…….will ask for them tomorrow. no company today (that she remembers anyway). nothing exciting.

will be meeting with the team and Dr. Jana on Monday sometime. Will know then (I think) what the immediate plans are. don’t expect much to be different, maybe just some time frames…. when she’ll be home, etc. too much up in the air, too many unknowns right now to try to go in to detail. when we have some answers will fill you in then.

Just want to say hi and thanks to all the friends Donna, Kit, Sandy, et al., who stopped by this last week, and the special surprise, Shane (and Aaron), an old  friend of Ker’s and Jenn’s from Cedar Point. It been a lot of years since they have seen each other and the visit was very special to Kerrie.

Also a special Hi to the FBC friends. Today was a very sad time as the unit was emptied, lights turned off and doors locked. Just keep the memories of those times, the fun, laughter and the tears. I know Kerrie will and I will too.

Will try to post again in a day or two. Not sure when I will be home, sometime between tomorrow and Wednesday morning. If I’m not able hopefully Jenn will be able to add some updates.

Take care all

Love Ya



  • chris

    Thanks for all of the updates aunt Joan. You guys are so thoughtful to put all of this day to day information on the site for everyone to read. Thanks 1,000,000.

  • Jason

    Sorry I have been away for a bit! Hang in there Ker! (The A+ A- thing did crack me up, and I would have done the same I swear!)

    Just a little road bump!

    With My Love! J