
Tuesday June 5th / Wednesday June 6th/Thursday June 7th

It’s 12:30am Thursday morning, but as far as I am concerned it’s still Wednesday because I am still at work.

No change in Kerrie’s condition on Tuesday.. no better.. no worse.. that’s a good thing I guess. Wednesday, her blood counts were higher than they have been, which is good, but her Billyruben ( some count of something in her Liver) was also higher.. which is not good.  Mom said she looked decent on Tuesday, but was swollen and Jaundice ( yellow) again today.

She’s not responding to the medications they have been giving her and they feel she’s building up an immunity to them, so they changed the medications again today. They’ll give these new meds a day or two to see if they have any effect at all. There has to be something out there that can beat this thing.

I’m heading home tomorrow ( today.. whatever fricking day it actually is..) and will hopefully get there early.

I miss my sister and want to see her as soon as possible.
