
Wednesday, May 16th

Had hoped there would be at least a preliminary result of the Biopsy, but Mom hadn’t heard anything today. She’s guessing we’ll hear by Friday.

I had a couple people, at work, ask how a bone marrow biopsy is done… I guess I thought we had explained this before, but for anyone who may have missed those posts.. and is wondering.. it’s not as simple as a needle biopsy or a “scraping” type biopsy. They insert thing really long needle into her hip bone, through the bone, and into the marrow.. yeah, don’t want to think about that without taking a deep breath ( and maybe a drink). That’s why we always insist on sedation. Can you believe they do this with a local most of the time?

The Infectious Disease department has decided they definately want to biopsy the sinus area that is swelling so much ( on the left side of her face). Mom tried to explain this to me, but what I got out of it was that they were going to use a CT Scan to look around and decide what areas to biopsy and will use some little scope-needle-claw sounding thingy ( don’t you just love my medical terminology?) Not sure what they are looking for, or what will tell them what area they need to do a biopsy on, but it doesn’t sound very pleasant. I was very happy to hear that Kerrie said she absolutely would not sign any authorization for this without a guarantee of some really good sedation. Yeah.. Kerrie and I are big on the sedation thing. Pain = give me drugs.. Stick a bunch of scopes-needle-claw soundy thingies up my nasal passages, into the sinus area of my brain = you had better knock me out.

Not sure when this particular biopsy will take place, but it sounds like they are waiting for results from the bone marrow first. Could be the end of this week.. maybe next week. One thing is for sure, it doesn’t sound like Kerrie will be going home anytime soon.

When I called her tonight, she sounded alright but you could almost hear the sadness in her voice. Mom’s at work tonight.. so she has one of her “alone” nights. Her plan.. sleep until Mom can come back.

I hope you do Ker-bear.


  • Deb Kayga

    Hey Kerrie–Just to let you know that you are still in my prayers! I had backed off for a while but I’m in full force again! Keep smiling my friend!! Love Deb (NOMC)