
Tuesday, May 15th

They did the bone marrow biopsy at 2:00pm today.. and she definately had sedation. When I spoke with Mom, a little after 8:00, Kerrie was still sleeping. She’d been out since the procedure. We probably won’t have any results for a few days… we’ll just all have to keep our fingers crossed until then.

It turns out shehad a visitor today, just minutes before the biopsy.. Kit Hildebrandt. Her second visitor, since she’s been in the hospital, and she has to go and get sedation for a silly procedure. Kit, we’re so sorry you showed up and then had to leave. Kerrie would have loved to have spent more time with you.. if I had gotten your e-mails in time I would have let you know what the plan was for today.. but you have no idea how much it meant to Kerrie that you would come to see her.

I put a new video link in the gallery.. it’s from Relay for Life and is a beautiful video. Marce, you did such an awesome job.. and don’t worry, I won’t let the police come pick you up. That will be just between the two of us. I have some great pictures from the event, but have barely had time to breath.. so it may be another day or two before I get them on here.

Thank you to everyone for your beautiful posts in the gallery.. I will make sure she sees them as soon as she can. I have the lap top right now, but will take it back to her Friday. She will definately be on the web page by Saturday…and to my very special friend South of the Mason-Dixon Line… your e-mail was beautiful and I love you for always having the right words at the right time.Of course I would love you even if you didn’t.. Even though you had me in tears, it meant a great deal to me.. even if I couldn’t respond right away.

Dad, I hope everything went well with your foot surgery today… Was thinking about you all day. I’m sure you know whey Kerrie couldn’t call.. as for me, left my cell phone at home, so wasn’t able to call earlier. Have just gotten home.. It’s 11:30pm now.. would be happy to call, but doubt you and Joyce would be too pleased 🙂

Hmm.. between calling Grandmother’s and Nephew’s on their Birthday’s.. and calling Dad’s on days they have medical procedures done.. I’m 0 and 3. I’m sure there is some family out there that would be more than willing to adopt me once I’m kicked out of this one.

So, now that I’ve babbled on.. as I sit here and sip my wine…I keep thinking about Kerrie sleeping in her bed and think maybe it’s time I cimbed into mine. I’d like to say we could all sleep a little easier tonight, knowing the biopsy has been done.. AND she had sedation.. but now is the wait for the results. Many people have a great deal of faith that everything is going to be fine… I’m going to do my best to follow their lead.

More tomorrow…



  • Bob Baker

    Hi Kerrie, Please add one more to the list of those who love you. You are in my prayers and are listed on my church prayer list and I talk to God about you every Sunday. I believe He has a special need for you, dear Kerrie, though I hope He will let you stay long with those who love you for so many, many friends are pulling for you and daily read your story. Bless you dear friend, and Jen and your mother………much love to all, Bob

  • Jason

    I hope everything comes back clear! (On a side note, I almost hate biopsies. Seems like any little brown speck you have they want to scrape off and send away. The waiting part sux. Just sayin’ what you are thinking!) The best part is when it comes back “normal”.

    So here’s to “normal”!

    (sips wine, off to bed.)

    Thinking of You Kerrie!