Sunday, May 13th
Happy Mother’s Day!Â
Hmmm.. Mom had to go to work and Kerrie’s the one who got breakfast in bed. Something wrong with that picture…
Spent part of the day with Kerrie, yesterday, and then took our nephew TJ to the movies for his birthday. He turned a whopping 10 a few days ago… meant to put a post on here for him, but was overwhelmed at work.. as usual. Happy belated birthday TJ.
Dad and Joyce spent the afternoon with Kerrie and Ron stayed with her part of last night. I got back to the hospital, at 11:00pm, just in time to wake her up and kiss her goodnight. I just sat and watched her sleep for while… she’s so beautiful and it just breaks my heart that this is happening to my baby sister.
I wish I had better news, but she doesn’t look as good as she did a few weeks ago. I hate seeing her laying in that bed, all the IV’s running, hospital gown on, blankets pulled up all around her. Her face is still a little puffy and red, and it’s obvious she’s weaker than she was. Her voice even sounds weak.. but, she must be up to talking to people.. she keeps her cell phone right next to her, in bed, so I think she’s hoping people will call her. Now.. don’t all call at once :)Â But if you have the number… give her a ring. I think it will do her some good to know her friends are still out there.. somewhere.
I wanted to get her out of bed yesterday, and had strict instructions from Mom to make sure I do it, but she kept insisting she didn’t want to.. and then got teary-eyed, so I didn’t make her do it. It’s more difficult to do it on my own now, with all the IV’s to watch out for.. I do not want a repeat of when the chest catheter came out. So, I am definately not going to try it on my own.
Her numbers keep dropping, so she’ll be getting platellets today.. and she’s nuetropenic again, which basically means she has no immune system. I meant to ask if they’ve cut back on her Prograf, but forgot.
Yesterday, Dr. Bartell told me he still wanted to give her nuepogin and that Dr. Jana was still saying “No” to that.. and he also thinks they need to repeat the bone marrow biopsy. He did say that ENT and Infectious disease thought it may be useless to do a biopsy of the sinus area, because .. as he put it.. “Where exactly would they biopsy???” They aren’t sure, I guess, and he said they aren’t going to cut up her whole face. Then, today, one of the residents walked in and mentioned they may do a biopsy tomorrow.. so maybe things have changed, or he’s going off the information from the other day. Mom will be there tomorrow, so I’m sure she’ll get a handle on what exactly is going on..
She was supposed to have her Gal Bladder removed this week, but looks like that isn’t going to happen. I have no idea how long it will have to be put off, but they won’t be able to do it with her in this condition.
Heading back to the hospital now, Dad and Joyce will be there for a littl while and then Mom will come down after she gets out of work. Kerrie and I will get to spend a few minutes with Mom, for Mother’s day, and then I have to head back to Ohio.
As long as things go as planned, I will be back Friday night.. but then have to head back to Ohio on Saturday.. then another long stretch until I can come home again. Once the park is open, I will be able to resume my regular trips up here. I can’t stand being away for so long.
Please keep Kerrie in your thoughts and prayers… and if you get a few minutes give her a call. She needs to know her friends are still there. I’m worried that we are going to need to give her a reason to keep fighting… she’s getting tired of fighting.
We can’t let her give up.