Saturday, May 12th
Got in at close to 3:00am.. now rushing around trying to get ready to go see Kerrie. The Relay for Life event was amazing, and the people on the Champion Schools Team were an incredible group. While I sit here, being tired, THEY are still out there… walking..with 8 1/2 more hours to go.
I have lots of pictures to share, and would like to tell you a little more about the event, but want to get out of Mom’s house and go see Kerrie.. so that will have to wait. Mom, I moved your comment from my last post and have put it in this blog. It’s pretty important and I wouldn’t want people to miss it. Here’s Mom’s post from last night…
You said it all……… not much more to add. Did get Kerrie up in her chair for lunch and she seemed to enjoy it…..when I asked her if she was ready to go back to bed she said she wanted up for a little bit more. She’s eating good and watching TV as always, but the speech is a little difficult for her after she’s had her meds. Gets her words pretty mixed up, but actually with the program and still keeping her spirits up.
Thinking about Jenn tonite at the Relay for Life event. And for those of you who may not have seen any ads…. there is a national campaign going on right now for bone marrow donors. It is free (versus the $65.00 charge) and is done by swabbing the inside of the mouth. The testing is now done by DNA (sorry Jenn, you had to get poked). Locally Henry Ford is doing the testing this next week at at least two sites and I am sure that there are other sites here and all over the country. So check your paper, call your doctor’s office, or your local hospital and get in there and get tested! Ker has her donor but there are so many more who don’t.
Take care all, will add things as we know more.