
Sunday, January 28th

Go to bed.. or do Yoga? That’s what I’m pondering right now.
I could very easily climb into bed, fall asleep, dream about Kerrie and be well rested to go back to work tomorrow… OR.. I could get off my lazy butt, pull out the Yoga matt and get a little excersize.

Excersize is not something I’ve had much of in the last 6 months or so.. and I’m starting to think I better do something SOON. Driving back and forth to Michigan, sitting in chairs next to bedsides, assisting with changing sheets and other medical paraphanalia, watching TV with your sister and walking back and forth for cups of ice really doesn’t qualify as excersize.. but if it did, I could make millions on the DVD’s I could sell, or perhaps on my own early morning excersize show.

If I’m really smart, the Yoga will win out.. but my computer room is located close to my bedroom, which makes it possible for me to hear the pillow calling me from here.

Kerrie had a decent day I guess… as far as her days seem to go lately that is. We watched TV, of course, and talked about doing some of her PT.. but never quite got around to doing it.
They discontinued her PCA pump, for the pain killers, and she was not very happy about it. Once she realized the patch was doing a good job, I don’t think she was too concerned about it anymore.. but having the “authority” to push that little button and get some dilauded when she wanted it is hard for her to give up.

When I got home, called Mom and was surprised to find that Kerrie had a couple of visitors. Our cousins, Chris and Paul Whitney, had decided today would be a nice day to make the drive from Vassar ( near Saginaw) to Detroit. As Chris put it.. “It was a nice day for a drive.” I thought he was a little nuts, but then realized he was being sarcastic. For anyone not living in the Western to middle part of Michigan.. they have been getting hammered with snow. Some parts of Michigan got as much as 20 inches since yesterday.. but I suppose this makes for “a nice day for a drive” where my crazy cousins are concerned.

Kerrie was so excited to see them that she promptly went to sleep 🙂

I know she was excited to see them, but probably worn out from all the activity with doctors and nurses.. I’m sure once she had a little nap she was able to enjoy spending some time with them.

The plan still seems to be to try to send Kerrie back to Rehab sometime this week, but they’ve got to figure out a few other problems first. The biggest one is the havoc the tube feeding is giving her stomache and bowels. She’s having some problems with this and it will have to be corrected before she can go back. I hope they figure it out soon.

I know we’d all like to have her back at NOMC as soon as possible, so we continue to keep our hopes up.
Hmm.. the pillow is getting quiet and I can’t hear it calling right now. Time to go get that Yoga matt while I still have the energy.
