
Four Years Ago Today…

The pain never goes away my Ker-Bear. I never stop missing you, I never stop wishing I had said more, done more while I still had the chance.   People say it gets easier with time, but to me it just seems to get harder.

There is never a day I don’t think about you. There is almost never a day I don’t shed a tear… I miss you so much my sweet sister.

Today… the day you left us… 

Today I will miss you more than most days…

Today I will cry more than most days…

Today my heart will break more than most days…

I love you Kerrie.. and I will never forget.. and I will never let the world forget you!

Today, I do what I can only bring myself to do once or twice a year ( today and your birthday)… and today I will watch you video… I hope others will click on this link and watch with me:  http://youtu.be/8gldp96796o


  • Joan

    Well Jen, you did it again. I really held it together today, that is until I read your post and then looked at the videos, both of them. Lost it all then, but guess that is what making this day special to us is what it’s about. For some reason this year has been especially difficult, maybe having that good cry will help.

    And don’t you ever forget, you did more for your sister then anyone could have asked. Many times it hurt you more than her when you had to do things to help her. And I know she liked it when you were home and I was at work because you let her have her way and didn’t make her do some of the things I would have. Spoiled her rotten you did. And you both loved it and it didn’t need any words.

    Love you Jen

  • Aunt Jeannine

    I remembered. Thought about Kerrie all day. Bittersweet.

    … joy and sorrow are inseparable. . . together they come and when one sits alone with you . . . remember that the other is asleep upon your bed.

    – Kahlil Gibran

  • Fuat Yildiz

    My beautiful sister Kerrie I wish i had a oneday to meet you but I could not:( But you know what I LOVE YOU as much as someone can spend a life time with…