Quick Updates, funny Chemo Brain Warnings..and a movie recommendation
Well, I am three days out from Chemo and still doing ok. I can feel the effects now, so expecting to be full swing in the next few days.. but we will see what happens. Wish me luck, because last time was R- O-U-G-H, but maybe I will be better prepared this time.
 Looking at a comment that was posted on my last blog, I guess I forgot to mention that I had returned to work. Yes.. I am back at work. Went back the day after we got back from spending some time in Virginia Beach with Ron. Spent one day at work and then had to call off the next few days to take care of my Fuat, whose turn it was to be ill, then back to work for one day.. then off for Chemo.. and back just in time to put in some long hours for the Fourth of July weekend. Don’t worry.. I am not pushing myself to hard. I am taking it day by day.. and will go to work if I feel well enough.. will stay home if I don’t.
I probably could have had the doctor approve leave through my entire chemo, but I decided I didn’t like the pay cut you take when you go on short term disability. Soooo…. here I am .. at my desk.. :)Â
Aunt Jeaninne, I loved the comment about the Andree’s being workaholics. YES WE ARE! And it’s nice to know that I am not alone. I used to just think I got if from my Dad.. but I have noticed it is pretty much the entire family. Sorry if I am raising the bar 🙂
 Now for some “chemo brain” warnings:
1. If your cat is crying for food, and your husband says he is hungry at the same time, BE SURE you are giving the cat food to the appropriate creature. If you happen to catch yourself giving your husband catfood, instead of the cat, get the catfood over to the cat before he notices and don’t tell him.. SHHHH.. Fuat must never know about this. It will be our secret 🙂
2. If you keep walking upstairs, but can’t remember what you went there for, and you do it more than three times….just stay downstairs.
3. If you can’t remember whether you are going to work or coming home from work…. let your husband drive 🙂
And now for a movie recommendation. Fuat and I decided to go to the movies the other night, for a night of relaxation before the chemo effects kicked in, and we would highly recommend you see this movie:
 Knight and Day
It’s the comedy adventure with Camerion Diaz and Tom Cruise. Prior to the time I saw it, I would have said I was interested in seeing it, but not top on my list. It was great.. very funny and two hours flew by. Probably the funniest I have ever seen either of these actors been. I would go see it again. Even if my taste buds have changed so much now that the popcorn tasted burnt and coke was undrinkable ( can’t wait to taste things normally again). Fuat insists it tasted great.. Honey, I will take your word for it.
 OK.. enough movie plugs. I will let you know how the next few days are and update everyone on any other funny chemo brain happenings to watch out for.
We are still trying to resize the pictures and hope to have some “bald” pics up for everyone soon ( as well as some great pics of Ron and family in Virginia beach). Once we can figure out how to fix the pictures.. this is not chemo brain.. just lack of computer knowledge.. but we’re trying.
Betsy Labick
Jenn – You get your wonderful senses of humor, and your courage, from your Mom I’ll bet. Thanks for the laughs. Keep busy, even if you don’t remember what you did. And I hope Fuat is feeling better each day (does he purr now?)- Betsy
Bill Whitney
Jenn, for a chemo brain, with a husband powered on cat food I have to say you write the best blogs out there. Albeit, I also have to say if I followed your logic about staying downstairs if you can’t remember why you we went upstairs, than I’d still be out in my lawn without gas in the mower with my glasses on my head, and an empty drink in the holder.
Jenn may write some of the best blogs, but you write some of the best responses. Not everyone, but at least those in the know (i.e. family) are aware that both of you (and a lot of the rest of us) suffer from chemo brain to some extent all the time.
by the way, Cutie’s cat food is top of the line, so if that is what Fuat has to eat, he is getting good nutrition and his hair should be really shiny.