Monday July 16, 2007
Hello Everyone,
I’m sitting here at HFH beside Kerrie as she tries so very hard to stay awake and watch one of her favorite shows “Hell’s Kitchen”. Go figure, a reality cooking show. We watch it faithfully every week.
It has been an extremely long and emotional day. Dr. Jana came in with the team fairly early this morning. The first thing she did was pull up a chair and ask where one was for me (covered in pillows and blankets, but I pushed it over). I know that meant we were going to talk and we did.
She was very straight forward and talked directly to Kerrie about what she had to offer her. Not much actually. Kerrie’s choices were to go home on supportive care, with or without hospice. That would mean she would continue her tube feedings and some of her meds, but no more trips back to HFH and no more blood transfusions or platelets. Right now she is getting one or the other at least every other day.
Option #2 is chemotherapy. Kerrie’s leukemia is stronger every day. Her white blood cell count isn’t quite as high as it was when she was diagnosed last year, but getting close, and the immature cells that are the leukemic cells increase more every day.
The chemotherapy is basically a last ditch effort. There is only a 10% chance of it working. There is a lot of risk with it, all the side effects, that Kerrie won’t tolerate as well as she did last year. Infection if always the biggest concern, and will be a critical factor. All in all, not an easy choice, but guess which one Ker went with. Yup, the chemo….”I want to do it, I have to do it”
She talked to her dad, her sister and her brother and told them what she had decided. We did a lot of holding, hugging and crying today. There is no question that she is aware of the decision she has made. She was so clear when she talked to Jenn is not only blew me out of the water to listen to her,it awed her sister as well. She was tired when she talked to Ron tonite, but still managed to tell him how hard this has all been on her. “You just don’t know how hard this has been and how I feel” she told him.
We are both pretty drained, She has finally gone to sleep and I’m not far behind. Please pray for Kerrie. The next few days will be critical and if it goes well the next 3-4 weeks will be too.
Will post more when we see how things are going. Love you all
Aunt Michelle
Kerrie ~ I’m with you. You are a fighter and I’m in your corner Sweetie. I know it’s gonna be rough but I’m storming the gates of Heaven and I Believe! Believe ~ Believe ~ Believe! I LOVE YOU VERY, VERY MUCH. I’ll see you soon.
Aunt Mary Jo
Dear Kerrie,
You are a fighter and I love it! We will all keep praying, always and all ways! You are not alone! I close my eyes and try to send my love in a warm embrace and I feel your strength in return. Thank you, Sweet Kerrie!
I love you!
Aunt Jeannine
I’m praying and sending strength, Love and Light. With God, All Things Are Possible. Love you.
nicole williams
The joy of the Lord is your strength, all things are possible if you believe in God Kerrie. I’m so proud of you. Keep fighting! love ya.
Texas Pam
I am sending strength from Texas….Just keep fighting…
You’re the strongest person I know. I’m thinking of you and praying for you everyday. Keep up the good fight, my dear friend! Love ya!
Hi Kerrie,
You can make ANYTHING possible! Just the fact that you have made the decision to push forward and continue to tackle this thing head on is truly inspiring. You are on my mind continually every day. My good thoughts and prayers are headed your way, as always. Be stubborn. Be strong. Be determined.
As soon as you get through this mess, we are going to have to make plans for our next visit! I can be on my way to Detroit in pretty reasonable time =). Then we’ll have to get you out here to Kansas City so we can show you around!
Sure wish I could say I had as much courage and strength as you do Kiddo.
Much love to you!
heather (anderson)
You can do this!!Keep fighting!! You are the strongest and bravest person!! I will be praying for you and thinking of you every day!!! Go Kerrie!!!!
you are an insperation and a miracle for many kerrie. i love you so much not a minute go’s by im not thinking about you. there are no words to say that can express properly what i feel for you and what your going through right now. you are an amazing person and have beat the odds before just hang in there and know we are all here behind you and your family 100% . Keep on fighting!!!
lots of love and prayers.
Bonnie Andree
Kerrie, your love of life is profound. It is inspiring! 10% means that 10 out of 100 will survive. Uncle John’s oddds were not that much better when he had his liver transplant. You go girl!
Aunt Bonnie
Deb Kayga
Kerrie and Family–I just can’t imagine what you all are going thought, again!!! My thoughts and prayers are with you now as they always are! Please let me know, if I can do anyting. 248-894-3058. Hang tight Kerrie. Deb Kayga