
Wednesday noon


Just a quick word with some so called ‘updates’.  Hold on to  your seat Jenn, got the Ultrasound report and guess what?  Kerrie has gallstones! 

I know, I know……..we knew that, so did the doctors and nurse practitioners. So, back to square one……….. Ker’s face does not look so yellow today………is that because she is off one of the antifungal meds? Did a gall stone pass letting the bile throught? Was the bile even blocked in the first place? Is her liver affected, does she need a biopsy?

 Her bilirubin results weren’t back…waiting for those. May help to make a decision re: biopsy or not. Wait and see again. When I left she was sipping on choclate milk waiting for lunch. I am home to catch a quick cat nap before I go to work tonite.

will add more as soon as I know more

Love to All


ps…….Ker and I went over some posts today. She was very happy to hear from so many of you……eventually we will get thru them all


  • Sandy Maynerich

    Hi Kerrie,
    Sorry I haven’t posted in awhile. It’s been crazy around with us trying to find a house in Oakland County and with Joe & I hoping to find another job. I’m still having troubles with my stomach but we got to the bottom of it yesterday thank God.
    You have gall stones those must hurt never had them before but my mom did in 2001. I’m glad that your face isn’t as yellow that is good to hear. Everyone from our class that I still keep in contact with are thinking about you all the time and praying that you get better and back on your feet again. :o)
    I haven’t heard much about our class reunion but Joe & I are going for sure so I will make sure I take my digital camera with me and take some pictures for you. I know everyone there will be talking about you and you should hear your ears ring big time on that day. :o)
    I miss you and I hope that we will be able to see you again soon.
    I need to go now Christy has a b-day party to go to later need to get some stuff done before we have to leave.
    You have a great day!!!!
    Joan you are doing great and so is Jenn I hope you two have time once in a while to get a break in and get some rest.
    Miss you all